I used to be one of the boys.. a person who doesn't like babies, dogs,cats, or any type of pet.. I never knew how to cook. ANd now.. I am a stay at home mom and these are my adventures..

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Joshua wasn't feeling well yesterday.. he wasn't eating nad he vomitted twice.. so we had him checked today and after his check up..well.. right outside of the clinic was a mini arcade! what a strategy! hehehe.. Joshua has always been scared of getting on rides,, but i think he's kind of warming up to the idea..and so..

He wanted to ride a car.. and he picked this red can see what happened if you click here.

and then.,., we had an extra token.. so i saw this game(click it!) and i showed josh how to play and he was amused at first.. but , again,,he got bored.. hehehe

We just strolled around the mall and we bought some stuff for reese and I also bought a mmc for my cellphone..

that's it for today! hehe.. nothing much happened..

Posted by riamigs at 5:29 PM |