I could not remember the exact words but i distinctly remember the main character of the show saying.. Cherish the time while you're kids are still young because you never know until when they would be giving you unconditional love..
One morning, after I gave Joshua a bath, I was telling him to behave (in as stern way) and not to move so much while dressing up. When we were finished he just hugged me.. tighter than usual..and he looked at me and hugged me again.. so sweet..
There was also this one time.. when I was going to school.. Joshua, reese together with yaya walked me to the end of our street to call a trike.. Joshua was totally against my going to school that day cause when he woke up he didn't have anyone beside him on the bed.and when he saw me, I was already dressed for school.so anyway,, 'masama ang loob nya and he was mumbling all the way while we were walking... and when the trike was getting near to where we were standing.. he was reaching for me to give me a kiss.. and then he said i love you in his bulol and in a very mad sort of way.. hehe.. i just laughed a little and tolfd him i loved him too and reminded him to be a good boy and be a good kuya while I wasn't at home..

unconditional love

pahabol thoughts...
We went to Nadja and Chuck's wedding last night (John and I) and I remember her dad saying in his speech,,, "Don't give time to your kids.. Invest time in your kids.."
Truly, there is a big difference.. Watching tv while looking after your kids is different from watching TV with your kids..
aND now, you might be asking, at the back of your mind, why i am blogging instead of playing with my kids... Well,, they are both asleep and if you already have a kid.. you would know that this is the most relaxing time of the day...